Farinha para fazer fermento natural
blog, natural yeast

Which flour to use to make natural yeast?


What flour should I use to make natural yeast? What is the effect of each type of flour? Or is it all the same?

There are many doubts about flour and natural yeast, but one thing is certain: to make a good natural fermentation bread, you need strong and healthy yeast. But does the type of flour make a difference? My answer is yes! So, let's talk a little more about the flours used to make and refresh natural yeast. 

Types of flour to make natural yeast

In addition to wheat flour, you can use other types of old grain or whole grain flours such as rye, spelt or barley.

Rye flour

Rye is a different grain than wheat. They are from the same family, but they are not the same thing. Compared to whole wheat flour, rye flour is considered to be richer in nutrients and amylase. Overall, it has a lower gluten protein content than wheat flour, which means it produces stickier, denser dough.  

Rye field. Rye is a grain widely used to make natural yeast.

It is a flour that I use a lot when I want to start a new starter. It's because? Because as it has more sugars, fermentation happens faster. So, it's easier to make yeast from scratch. Advantage: Yeast made from rye is also more resistant and easier to care for

Does it have any disadvantages? It depends on your taste. Rye gives bread a more sour taste and since fermentation already releases acids, rye sourdough has an even more pronounced flavor. That's why it's very common to refresh yeast with just a little rye flour. 

Wholemeal flour

Wholemeal flour is unrefined flour. That means it has more nutrients for your yeast. This flour includes the whole wheat grain, including the bran, endosperm and germ. Compared to white wheat flours, whole wheat flour is packed with nutrients and potential microbes, providing faster fermentation. Therefore, it is a flour that can also be used to make or feed yeast.

white flour 

Many people make and refresh their yeast with just white flour. There's no problem with that, but white flour takes longer to make yeast because it has less nutrients. Remember that white flour is refined and the richest parts in sugars and nutrients are removed.

The stronger the flour, the stronger your yeast will be. In the case of Brazilian flours, it is recommended that you use flours that you use to make bread, or Type 1. 

advantagewhite flour ns

Yeast flavor made with white flour has a milder and less acidic taste. But it is a yeast that requires a little more care. You can't leave the pet alone for many weeks. It's also easier to find

And how do I do?

When I start a new starter, I use the rye flour and then I decrease the proportion of rye until I reach 90% of white flour. My yeast thanks you.

avoid waste

To make sourdough bread at home, you don't need large amounts of yeast. What you need is a healthy, active yeast. Remember that it doubles and sometimes triples in volume. Also, save your levain discards. You can make many delicious recipes.

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  1. Francisco

    Artigo útil e muito bom, principalmente para quem está no início da jornada como eu.
    Parabéns pelas informações/Site o qual visitei rapidamente.
    Muito Obrigado!

  2. Olismar Mendes

    Estou iniciando na panificação com levain.Obrigado pelo ensinamento tão claro e específico para os detalhes.

  3. Nathalia

    Olá, seria possível fazer um pão de fermentação natural com alguma farinha sem glúten? Se sim, quais? Muito obrigada!

    • Olá Nathalia, tudo bem? Obrigada pela sua visita. Existem várias farinhas sem glúten que podem ser utilizadas, como amêndoa, trigo sarraceno e arroz. Geralmente faz-se um mix delas

  4. Marcia Rodrigues

    Gostei muito do artigo sobre as farinhas. Estou começando em fermentação natural, vem acrescentar e trazer mais direção para pessoas como eu, que estão iniciando na fermentação natural. Muito obrigada, Gratidão!!!

  5. vera machado

    Olá. Muito esclarecedor para mim….estou iniciando os testes e conhecimento sobre o levain…vc explica muito bem e didaticamente…bjs sucesso

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