Author: clarissamattos

workshop na Holanda - pães de ferementacão natural - Sourdough Workshop in the Netherlands - Baila Bakes

How I made bread my profession


How did I make bread my profession? How did I find out that this is what I wanted to do? Well, inspiring people to make real bread and transform their lives through bread was the purpose I found in my natural fermentation journey. But I didn't come to that conclusion in one day [...]

Mulher com pão de fermentação natural nas mãos

5 things sourdough bread taught me


When I think back to my journey with sourdough bread, I see how much I have to thank for just three ingredients: flour, water and salt. Bread helped me through a difficult time. With the pandemic, the tourism sector collapsed and I was forced to […]

Pão de fermentacão natural - miolo

The ABC or Glossary of Artisan Bread


When we learn something new, we come across a lot of new words. With bread it is no different. So, before we get our hands dirty, it's always good to stay on top of the most used terms. That's why I created an ABC or artisanal bread glossary, with […]

Modelagem do pão de fermentação natural

Most common mistakes when making sourdough bread


Many believe that making natural fermentation breads is a science. Other art. I stand in the middle. You have to be precise, but at the same time you have to use your senses and your creativity. One thing is true: it takes practice and experience. Develop the memory of […]

Pão de fermentação natural - Sourdough bread Baial Bakes
natural yeast

Why make sourdough breads


Making bread is always considered a challenge for anyone who loves to cook. And whoever embarks on the adventure of learning how to make bread, at some point, will come across natural yeast. And once you learn a little more about natural yeast, you'll want to know more and […]