workshop na Holanda - pães de ferementacão natural - Sourdough Workshop in the Netherlands - Baila Bakes

How I made bread my profession


How did I make bread my profession? How did I find out that this is what I wanted to do? Well, inspiring people to make real bread and transform their lives through bread was the purpose I found in my natural fermentation journey. But I didn't come to that conclusion overnight. It was a process. Keep reading to know my story.

Recentemente, no evento Villa da Saudade aqui na Holanda, tive a oportunidade de contar como a fermentação natural transformou a minha vida pessoal e profissional. Também, como cheguei à conclusão de que ensinar outras pessoas a fazer um pão puro e saudável era o que eu queria fazer.

How Baila Bakes was born

During the pandemic, when I needed to reinvent myself professionally, I realized that I didn't want to keep doing what I was doing. I wanted to do something with passion. I had an idea, but I needed to find myself again. It was time to review skills, knowledge and experience. It was like putting together a personal Lego. I combined my knowledge of artisanal baking, my training experience and my passion for inspiring people.

evento - pão como profissão

Of course, I also analyzed the market and saw that natural fermentation breads are back to stay. People are increasingly looking for health and are willing to pay more for quality. This means that either to make at home or as a source of income, people want to learn how to make natural fermentation breads.

And so Baila Bakes was born, a knowledge platform for artisanal bread and natural fermentation.

Telling my story

And then we go back to the event I attended. I was invited by Duxxpression, a platform for personal development here in the Netherlands to talk about my professional transformation. And the feedback has been fantastic. Many people identified with the desire to change careers. Also, many people interested in learning more about natural fermentation breads and bringing more health to the family.

News for those in the Netherlands

Oh, and there's news in the air. Also in partnership with @duxxpression anunciamos o Massa em mente – Fermentando a sua vida. Uma série de workshops que vamos lançar em breve. As pessoas vão aprender a fazer pão de fermentação natural e, ao mesmo tempo, vão ter um momento de relaxamento, conscientização e mindfulness.

And you, want to start fermenting your life? Start now

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